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video interviews

Our Services and Packages

Visual PR Productions' packages come in different sizes, with a growing depth of "done-for-you" broadcast, PR, Marketing, and post-production services. The broadcasts or recordings are available either in our studio, at your premises with our portable multi-camera studio setup, remotely via the virtual studio, or a hybrid of two or all of the above.

Video Content Examples

Our most popular work is on retainer contracts to ensure ongoing and consistent content each month. But we can also work on one-off video projects or events.

All of the following can be hosted by our presenters to keep the conversation flowing unbiased and natural, or self-hosted if preferred. Our ethos at the heart of all of the video content is to make it conversational and to scrap the script to make it feel natural for the presenters and viewers. The PR philosophy utilised is to avoid overt sales promotions in the content to ensure a deeper connection with the messaging and to create and maintain engagement.

Supercharged Video Podcasts

Take your podcast idea to the next level, and increase the natural flow of the conversation to make it more engaging. Visual PR Productions achieves this by starting with dynamic multi-camera video of the conversation (at our studio or your chosen premises), and then extracting the audio.

Visual PR then uploads or broadcasts your video content to your YouTube and social channels, and the audio content is uploaded to your own, branded podcast channel which also pushes it out to various podcast platforms (e.g. Spotify, Amazon, Apple, etc.). We can even create your YouTube and/or podcast channels if you don't yet have them.

The long-form video content is then on the SEO-beneficial YouTube platform and links back to your podcast version to listen to in the car, when walking the dog, or when in the gym. The podcast directs your listeners to the YouTube video version to be able to see what is being discussed.

Talk or Panel Shows

Bring together multiple experts, roles, or personalities to create lively, informative, and maybe even entertaining conversations that bring you and your brand to life in a natural and engaging way. The guests can be sat next to each other, located in multiple locations around the world, or a hybrid of the two.

When these are broadcast live to your YouTube and social channels, we can even have audience interaction with questions or comments shown on the screen along with the posters' profile names and photos.

Feature Videos

Whilst Visual PR Productions stays true to its PR (Public Relations) philosophies of being engagingly conversational, authentic, credible and without overt sales promotions, we are still able to create feature video content that connects on a much deeper level than the norm.

With conversational interview content at the heart of the video content and b-roll footage to add an artistic flair, we can tell the story, help the viewers feel part of the conversation and brand, and bring personalities to life more than written or scripted video content alone can - people still buy from people, and how much can visitors to your website really tell about the people within your organisation?

Training Videos

By making the training content feel less impersonal and scripted, the effectiveness of the training and message is likely to be dramatically increased. Whether it is internal training videos or for professional coaches, make your training content videos feel easier to capture for you and easier to digest and engage with for your candidates.

Specific Video Projects

The above principles have been applied to an ever-growing list of video types or requirements. Whether it is more personal induction or onboarding videos, welcome or announcement content, and many more, the Visual PR style enables it all to have greater levels of engagement and personal feel.

If you are looking for regular or periodic support to produce video content and complement your marketing and PR strategy, we work with you to create or implement your brief. 

Video projects can include but are not limited to the following:

  • Case studies or Client Testimonials
  • Induction videos for onboarding, training purposes and health & safety
  • Welcome or announcement content for events or venues
  • Careers or Employment 
  • Insights and Advice for Customers

Live Events

No matter what your event is, we can have roaming cameras with interviewers, and temporary studios for panel shows or ongoing updates. Bring a new dimension to your live event, which can include either live or as-live broadcasts to your YouTube and social channels. It has been proven to increase attendance and interaction levels.


Not everything is for public consumption, so we can also provide video content that can only be seen by those invited or signed up. This can include sign-up pages, and the ability to capture email addresses for future use. If you don't have a CRM, we can also provide this functionality, as well as create post-production assets to send out to them.

Pre and Post-Production Assets

The production or broadcast shouldn't be the end of the benefits of such content. At Visual PR Productions, we can then create a variety of assets to enhance their benefits and link up all of your efforts.

If you were told that every month you needed to create long-form video content for YouTube, short-form video content for your social media channels, regular social posts, audio for podcasts, blog posts, email marketing, and newsletters, the overwhelm can be very real! Let alone the time and inspiration to repeat this every month.

However, from one piece of Visual PR video content per month from a natural 20-60 minute conversation, broadcast, or recording, all of the above is created, put out there, and linked up for you! It makes it a no-brainer for both clients or their digital service providers.

In fact, we can automate as much of this as you choose!


Social Posting

Once we have created the social media length clips from the long-form conten, the following tasks can be done for you

  • The clips are transcribed and added as captions (in your colours)
  • Social posts are created based on the content within them
  • The link to the full video is added to the posts
  • Hashtags are added to the posts
  • You are sent that month's list of clips and posts to sign-off
  • They are all posted automatically for you
Blog Posts and Newsletters

The full episode or long-form video content is transcribed, and a blog post and/or newsletter is created for you based on what was discussed within it. This includes the embed code (blog) or link (newsletter) for the full video on your YouTube channel. You can now copy and paste that content onto your website (blog) or to your newsletter creator, LinkedIn page, or other websites to create regular and consistent content that is both engaging and relevant.

Email Marketing

Whether it is pre-broadcast emails based on the content and guests upcoming, or post-production or broadcast email of existing content, we can create the emails for you to copy and paste into your email marketing system, or even manage this for you if you don't yet have a CRM system.

Monthly Podcast or Broadcast Retainer Options

  • Branded video assets for your shows (intro, outro, transition, and feature videos).
  • Branded graphical assets for social scheduling.
  • Studio branding (background images, colours, overlays) in line with your brand guidelines.
  • Post-production editing for audio and video.
  • Provision of MP4 and MP3 video and audio files.
  • Posting to, and management of, podcast & YouTube channels if required.
  • 6-12 video clips from each episode for digital marketing to satisfy different social media platforms.
  • Branded QR code for each episode.
  • Transcription of each show.
  • Blog post creation.
  • Video shoots, creation, and editing for various agreed video content
  • Bulletin-style shows between full episodes.
  • Creation of adverts to be played within the show.

Video and Audio Studio Hire

With 2025 seeing Visual PR Productions move into new premises and create our bespoke-designed studio spaces, we are also able to offer differing packages of hire of the space, equipment, and/or expertise for your video and audio recording or broadcasting requirements

  1. Studio space hire - intimate and relaxing space with echo cancelling but artistic surroundings to ensure high quality audio and image qualities. Bring your own equipment.
  2. Studio space and equipment hire - also using our 4K cameras, switchers, and Rode Wireless Pro microphones
  3. Studio space, equipment, and Video Producer and Editor hire - we can also ensure that the recording or broadcast goes without a hitch and even carry out post-production work to provide the finished video and/or audio content for you.

What Next?

The best way to find out how your broadcasts or productions will look and feel, and how they would work for you, is to contact us to arrange a discovery call and virtual or in-person Visual PR studio tour. So please do get in touch and see how your brand and engagement can be ignited with your very own Visual PR Productions.

“Virtues of Being Interviewed”

“I felt much more comfortable, and was, therefore, able to speak much more fluently when I was being interviewed instead of just trying to present in front of a camera!”

“Increased Event Attendance”

We broadcast episodes every month with Visual PR in the build-up to our large two-day autumn event at our venue, which also provided audio podcasts and social media-length video shorts to use in our digital marketing efforts. We had our largest attendance for the event, and the live broadcasts from day one at the show also went down well for visitors contemplating visiting and partner exhibitors. We are now building to our next event and growing what we can do with this content and levels of interaction!

“Great Conversation Starter”

"We have found that the content of the episodes is referenced regularly, either by existing customers or triggering conversations with new prospects. Whether it is content that resonated with them, a greater connection with our people that appeared on them, or just something that made them chuckle in the conversations. It really is a dynamic and vibrant way to get exposure and connect to a deeper level."

“Visual PR Ethos in Feature Video Shoots”

The nature of what Visual PR does, and how they do it, facilitated a break from the norm in the video content we were able to create. It wasn't just a video shoot, but creatively shot content weaving around very personable interviews which gave us very engaging, authentic, and credible content to help us connect with our customer base.

“The Collateral Created from Each Episode is Hugely Useful”

"When we just did a podcast on its own we were disappointed with the number of downloads and it proved very difficult to gain traction. But from each episode by Visual PR we not only get a video version of the podcast-style conversation on YouTube and our social platforms, but we also get about a dozen video clips from each episode to use in our social media marketing efforts, transcription text to create a blog post from every episode, branded QR codes from each episode to include in written PR or marketing work, and still the audio of it to still have a podcast as well. All promoting one another, with SEO content in the right places! It joins everything up."

“The Live Visual PR Option Ticked So Many Boxes For Us!”

"Taking our information live as a "chat show" to our YouTube and Facebook channels really helped us get much more engagement, get the information out quicker, and create much more of a personal contact with people, including answering questions and getting live feedback.

The possibilities of what we can share and the fun we can have with it is huge and we can't wait to have this consistent output of content that is much more natural, but a production that looks so professional!"